Evergreen Digital has run a large number of Google Adwords campaigns for clients in the aged care sector.
Here are 8 key learnings to make aged care Google Adwords campaigns more effective. These learnings are very consistent across our clients.
- Website traffic and searches for aged care skew heavily to during weekdays. Traffic drops almost 50% on Saturday and Sundays, compared to the average on weekdays.
- Furthermore, during weekdays traffic tends to peak towards the earlier part of the week, from Monday to Wednesday.
- Females make up the majority of website and search traffic, averaging between 70 – 75%. This confirms other research which suggests that females aged 45 – 64 are most likely to be the key influencer of making household decisions on aged care on behalf of the family.
- The share of searches done on mobile or tablet continues to increase significantly. Between 2014 and 2016, the % of searches on desktop has declined from approximately 65% to 55%. This is expected continue into 2017 and beyond.
- During the day, searches tend to peak around the times of pre lunch (10am – 12pm) and post lunch (2pm – 4pm). Searches keep dropping significantly into the afternoon and evening.
- Click through rates (CTR%) are highest on tablet devices, followed by mobiles, then desktops.
- Those aged 65+ have the highest CTR% , followed by those aged 55 – 64%. CTR% continues to decline with each younger age group.
- Females have a higher CTR%, compared to males.
What does this mean for your aged care Google Adwords campaigns? To hit the CTR% bulls eye, you should be targeting a females aged 45 – 64, on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, between the hours of 10am – 12pm, 2pm – 4pm on a tablet or mobile device.
Adjust your bids accordingly.
For help on creating more effective Google Ad word campaigns, please contact Evergreen.